Enum ScrollAmount
Contains values that are used by the IScrollProvider pattern to indicate the direction and distance to scroll.
Namespace: System.Windows.Automation
Assembly: OpenSilver.dll
public enum ScrollAmount
Name | Description |
LargeDecrement | Specifies that scrolling is performed in large decrements, which is equivalent to pressing the PAGE UP key or to clicking a blank part of a scrollbar. If the distance represented by the PAGE UP key is not a relevant amount for the control, or if no scrollbar exists, the value represents an amount equal to the size of the currently visible window. |
LargeIncrement | Specifies that scrolling is performed in large increments, which is equivalent to pressing the PAGE DOWN key or to clicking a blank part of a scrollbar. If the distance represented by the PAGE DOWN key is not a relevant amount for the control, or if no scrollbar exists, the value represents an amount equal to the size of the currently visible region. |
NoAmount | Specifies that scrolling should not be performed. |
SmallDecrement | Specifies that scrolling is performed in small decrements, which is equivalent to pressing an arrow key or to clicking the arrow button on a scrollbar. |
SmallIncrement | Specifies that scrolling is performed in small increments, which equivalent to pressing an arrow key or to clicking the arrow button on a scrollbar. |