Class Int32Animation
Animates the value of an System.Int32 property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Inherited Members
Namespace: System.Windows.Media.Animation
Assembly: OpenSilver.dll
public sealed class Int32Animation : AnimationTimeline, IDependencyObject
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Initializes a new instance of the Int32Animation class.
public Int32Animation()
Int32Animation(Int32, Int32, Duration)
Initializes a new instance of the Int32Animation class that animates from the specified starting value to the specified destination value over the specified duration.
public Int32Animation(int fromValue, int toValue, Duration duration)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | fromValue | The starting value of the animation. |
System.Int32 | toValue | The destination value of the animation. |
Duration | duration | The length of time the animation takes to play from start to finish, once. See the Duration property for more information. |
Int32Animation(Int32, Int32, Duration, FillBehavior)
Initializes a new instance of the Int32Animation class that animates from the specified starting value to the specified destination value over the specified duration and has the specified fill behavior.
public Int32Animation(int fromValue, int toValue, Duration duration, FillBehavior fillBehavior)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | fromValue | The starting value of the animation. |
System.Int32 | toValue | The destination value of the animation. |
Duration | duration | The length of time the animation takes to play from start to finish, once. See the Duration property for more information. |
FillBehavior | fillBehavior | Specifies how the animation behaves when it is not active. |
Int32Animation(Int32, Duration)
Initializes a new instance of the Int32Animation class that animates to the specified value over the specified duration. The starting value for the animation is the base value of the property being animated or the output from another animation.
public Int32Animation(int toValue, Duration duration)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | toValue | The destination value of the animation. |
Duration | duration | The length of time the animation takes to play from start to finish, once. See the Duration property for more information. |
Int32Animation(Int32, Duration, FillBehavior)
Initializes a new instance of the Int32Animation class that animates to the specified value over the specified duration and has the specified fill behavior. The starting value for the animation is the base value of the property being animated or the output from another animation.
public Int32Animation(int toValue, Duration duration, FillBehavior fillBehavior)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | toValue | The destination value of the animation. |
Duration | duration | The length of time the animation takes to play from start to finish, once. See the Duration property for more information. |
FillBehavior | fillBehavior | Specifies how the animation behaves when it is not active. |
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Identifies the By dependency property.
public static readonly DependencyProperty ByProperty
Field Value
Type | Description |
DependencyProperty |
Identifies the EasingFunction dependency property.
public static readonly DependencyProperty EasingFunctionProperty
Field Value
Type | Description |
DependencyProperty |
Identifies the From dependency property.
public static readonly DependencyProperty FromProperty
Field Value
Type | Description |
DependencyProperty |
Identifies the To dependency property.
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToProperty
Field Value
Type | Description |
DependencyProperty |
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Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value.
public int? By { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default is null. |
Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation.
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IEasingFunction | The easing function applied to this animation. |
Gets or sets the animation's starting value.
public int? From { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. |
Gets or sets the animation's ending value.
public int? To { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. |